What is Gua Sha?

What is Gua Sha?

Have you ever tried Gua Sha? Gua what??!! Gua sha is a form of traditional Chinese therapy that involves scraping the skin with a tool to help improve blood circulation and promote healing. This gua sha technique or method of treatment is often used in conjunction...
Supporting a new mum post partum

Supporting a new mum post partum

Modern research on postpartum recovery. These days, a woman is usually discharged from the hospital within 24 to 48 hours after a vaginal birth but can be as little as 6 hours post-birth. In a Cesarean (c-section) delivery, generally, women are kept in hospital care...
Paediatrics – Acupuncture for children

Paediatrics – Acupuncture for children

Have you ever considered acupuncture for your child? According to a study by the Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago (Dec 2015), acupuncture is something parents should consider if their children are suffering from chronic pain. Children with various chronic...